How do you start your day? As per a survey about 79% of people start their day by sipping in coffee, most of us form a part of this percentage. So here is a write up for coffee addicts.
Whenever we include something in our daily diet we have a tons of questions related so in our subconscious mind, also the myths and misconceptions about coffee got no limit. Here are some questions and their replies.

1. Does coffee aid in weight loss?
Scientists have found that drinking a cup of Joe coffee can stimulate brown fat and aid weight loss. Stimulated brown fat can burns calories to generate body heat.

One can consider these theories:
  • Appetite suppression -- Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time, but there's not enough evidence to show that long-term consumption aids weight loss.
  • Calorie burning. Caffeine may stimulate thermogenesis — one way your body generates heat and energy from digesting food. But this probably isn't enough to produce significant weight loss.

2. Is it okay to have coffee before workout?
Coffee is a stimulant, and the caffeine in coffee is natural. It impacts the central nervous system, the heart, and your blood pressure, which helps your mind and body push harder during a workout. It gets those feel-good neurotransmitters going.
The key to using coffee to kick your workout into high gear is when you drink it. Coffee is absorbed quickly by your stomach after consumption. This can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes, with the full effects kicking in around an hour after.
high amounts of caffeine in black coffee will increase your metabolism, which makes you burn more calories throughout the day. Having coffee before exercise enhances that effect.
Coffee makes the body use fat cells to be consumed to provide energy as opposed to glycogen.

3. Can coffee cause an acne outbreak?
Coffee doesn't cause acne, but drinking a lot of it, especially coffee loaded with milk and sugar, can make your acne worse.
Coffee is a natural diuretic. Having too much coffee and supplementing it with inadequate food may lead to dehydration as the acid levels tend to go up. The more acidic you are, the more dehydrated you get." Excess intake of coffee can flush out essential vitamins and water soluble minerals from the body, resulting in dehydration which can further trigger acne. 

4. How much coffee should we consume everyday?
Maximum 400 mg of caffeine i.e, 4 cups of coffee.

5. What is coffee diet?
The coffee diet emphasizes coffee alongside whole foods while restricting processed foods and calories. Plus, its high amounts of caffeine may have side effects. This may decrease appetite and increase metabolism.On this plan, you drink at least 3 cups (720 ml) of coffee per day, replace one meal with a green smoothie, and focus on low-fat, high-fiber meals and snacks. It is not the best option for weight loss.

6. Is my cup of coffee healthy?

Your cup of coffee won't remain healthy if you add in too much of sweeteners or additives, it'll just turn like other sugary, flavored drinks.

7. Are people sensitive to coffee?
If you feel heartburn, irritability, insomnia, headache, anxiety or any other digestive issue, you may be sensitive to caffeine and coffee is not the drink for you then.

8. Can coffee help in burning fat?
Coffee improves metabolic rate by 3-11%
Also caffeine is proved to increase fat burning by 10% in obese people and 30% in lean people.

9. Does coffee make you poop?
I am new to this, it's for the first time i have ever heard of it.
But yes coffee has chlorogenic acid that triggers higher stomach acid levels and also higher production of gastric acid. That increased acidity could make the stomach dump its contents out more quickly than usual. Coffee may also trigger the release of hormones that aid digestion, which would speed up bowel movements.

10. What is the best time to have coffee?

Most people wake at about 6:30 am during normal routine and after waking up cortisol levels are high.Cortisol is a hormone that can enhance alertness and focus. It also regulates your metabolism, immune system response, and blood pressure.The best time to drink coffee is thought to be 9:30–11:30 a.m. when most people’s cortisol level is lower.Caffeine can increase cortisol, but the long-term health implications of this are unknown.

The exercise performance benefits of coffee can be obtained within 30-60 minutes of consuming it.

Coffee should not be consumed before bedtime as it can interfere with your sleeping patterns. Maintain a gap of about 3-5 hours between last dose of coffee and going to bed.

11. Does coffee protects you from free radicals?
Yes, since coffee contains what are known as antioxidants. They help protect the cells in our body from free radicals. Free radicals are produced not only in the course of natural body processes, but also as a result of negative environmental influences, such as UV rays or cigarette smoke. Antioxidants are found not only in coffee but also in many other foods.

12. Is caffeine amount more in darker roast coffee?
Actually it is the complete opposite! Darker coffee just means that it was kept over the roasted longer and therefore the coffee has more caffeine burned off. No part of the process intensifies the caffeine load.

13. Will coffee cure hangover?
Coffee doesn't work at odds with alcohol, it doesn't clear up alcohol from your system. It makes your brain more alert, that’s true. But it doesn’t make you sober. In fact it can be pretty dangerous, having a cup of coffee will make your body enter "fight or flight" mode, which will actually make you handle potentially dangerous situations.

14. Does coffee cause cancer, heart diseases and other health ailments?
Cancer is caused by consuming carcinogens, and there is no evidence for coffee to be a carcinogen. In fact coffee has proved to have anti cancer properties. 
Now, coffee may cause your heart rate to go a bit higher (temporarily), but only if you a) have a naturally high blood pressure, and b) drink too much of it.

15. What are the two types of coffees? 
Arabica coffee was originally cultivated on the Arabian Peninsula, hence the name. Robusta coffee is a more hardy plant but contains double the amount of caffeine.


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