I was in a dilemma that why Some people tend to share their emotions and others like to keep it buried inside, so I did several case studies and researches to understand this whole situation.
Not sharing your feelings isn't always with introverts and someone who do not like to talk to many people and love being alone, sometimes people who love meeting others, enjoy parties with huge crowds, are friends with almost everyone around the block also prefer to keep their emotions to themselves.
There are people who have always been there for people to help them and interact very well with others but when it comes to their own life troubles and situations they try to keep it within themselves.
Their are various reasons to the same sometimes a person maybe alexthylmic, this is condition when people have trouble identifying and defining their emotions and those of others, some people love to rule and can’t let their kingdom collapse they feel sharing their emotions will make them vulnerable , some people believe they are capable of everything and can do anything without asking for favors, whereas some have lost the only person with whom they could take about anything and now they are broken and can’t share anything with anyone, some feel they are emotionally perfect and do not accept that they need help they feel they can control their emotions and can’t let them take over their mind, at times people are afraid that their words may destroy their relationships . Sometimes people keep their guard too high just for putting extra protecting layers over the real them.
Sometimes we aren't sure about how we feel this maybe because of multiple feelings bubbling out at once and are fused in odd ways, It’s a feeling—or amalgam of feelings—that can’t be identified because the English language has no name for it. The “what’s-this-feeling?” phenomenon is somewhat new to the literature on emotions, but it’s become increasingly widespread. It’s a feeling—or amalgam of feelings—that can’t be identified because the English language has no name for it. The “what’s-this-feeling?” phenomenon is somewhat new to the literature on emotions, but it’s become increasingly widespread, The feeling has been internally censored: Even when you try to access it, you draw a blank. It’s not hard to imagine why many of us learn to “blacklist” certain feelings.
A friend of mine once said that you may be confident about yourself for handling everything on your own but with loneliness and pressure comes anxiety and Depression. I used to believe we are human beings such intelligent creatures with this powerful mind which can store about 2.5 petabytes of data why do we need anyone else when we have ourselves and a mirror. But it is not the same in everyone's case everyone one has a different approach towards life, whatever they are today, that is a reflection of their past years and experiences, this is what makes us, us. Now coming to the question, is it healthy to keep all these secrets buried inside?
It is all about comfort zone, not for everyone speaking out loud their personal issues is success or contentment, some find peace in keeping their life to themselves, there are people who do not like accepting advice about their life whereas some are completely dependent on others.
Now talking about people who keep stuff bottled up, it is perfectly okay if you like doing so but your thoughts should not to too deep and that emotional baggage must not be heavy enough to push you down and change your behaviour and your personality, to keep emotions in check better write them down and then compare yourself after some days, sometimes bottling up even gives birth to new talents like so of poetry just embrace them. Don't let this phase make your positive emotions suffer.
Of course, verbalizing your feelings can help you make sense of them. This is why psychotherapy and other forms of talk therapy, which allow you to express your emotions without fear of social or personal blowback, is so helpful. But some researches have found that putting your emotions into words by writing them down can do what talking would do.
Opening up about your feelings can be a great way to understand and manage them, but a “full disclosure” approach to sharing your emotions may not always lead to the best outcomes.
Not sharing emotions doesn't mean to stay quiet when you are hurt by someone else's actions, or when someone tries to force an opinion over you or maybe when you are making a decision in which someone else is involved.
Everyone deserves happiness do anything but make yourself smile at least once a day.
I tried a lot to find an appropriate answer to the question but I am now more perplexed than ever, it is just upto us how we choose to live.
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